
Delivering Clean, Safe Water is our Top Priority

Extensive Sampling and Testing for Quality Assurance

Cal Domestic operates and maintains advanced water treatment systems and conducts extensive sampling and testing to ensure the water delivered to Shareholders meets all health and safety requirements. Each year, Cal Domestic collects more than 2,000 samples that are tested for constituents as required by state and federal regulations. The findings are reported in Cal Domestic’s annual Consumer Confidence Report.

Proactive Management for Optimum Water Operations

Proactive Management for Optimum Water Operations

Highly Skilled, Certified Operators

The State of California mandates various levels of training, experience, and certification for operators of differing water facilities.

Cal Domestic’s system is rated at the highest level of complexity, requiring Grade 5 certification for the treatment system and Grade 4 certification for the distribution system.

Che Venegas, the Director of Water Operations, is certified as a Grade 5 operator in both treatment and distribution—one of only about 70 people in California with this dual top-level certification.

Cal Domestic’s Team of Certified Operators

Position T = Treatment D = Distribution
Senior Water Utility Worker T4 D5
Senior Water Utility Worker T4 D5
Water Utility Worker II T2 D5
Water Utility Worker I T2 D5

Proactive Treatment Facility Management

Proactive Treatment Facility Management

Cal Domestic operates and maintains three primary treatment facilities to ensure that the water supplied to Shareholders meets or exceeds all water quality regulations and standards. The Company’s Air Stripper Treatment Facility, Ion Exchange Treatment Facility, and Ultraviolet (UV) Light Treatment Facility each utilize state-of-the-art technologies to treat groundwater supplies to meet safe drinking water standards. These essential facilities require frequent scheduled maintenance for effective operation.

Learn more about Cal Domestic’s Proactive Management of Facilities for Cost-Savings and Quality.

Water Reliability and Value

Water Reliability and Value

With water rights originating in the 1850s, Cal Domestic provides Shareholders with a reliable water supply by securing affordable regional water resources in the Main San Gabriel Basin. The south Puente Hills stretches from the San Gabriel River to Brea. Cal Domestic’s Shareholders enjoy a unique alternative to importing expensive water from Northern California, especially during droughts or other water supply emergencies that shut down local wells.

Learn more about Cal Domestic’s performance-improving and cost-saving measures.