
Planning for the Future

Cal Domestic is committed to building and sustaining the resources needed to provide Shareholders with a resilient water supply and diverse water rights portfolio, now and for the future.

Cal Domestic developed a Strategic Plan to guide the Company as it works to provide highly competitive water service while supporting stewardship of the region’s precious water supply. This document reflects Cal Domestic’s planning goals, including an organizational analysis and a series of strategic initiatives that will help the Company achieve its long-term vision. The Strategic Plan is a living document that is intended to evolve with the Company.

A Plan Created with Shareholders In Mind

Collaboration. Community. Commitment. is an illustration of California Domestic Water Company’s dedication to engaging Shareholders and ensuring their input and recommendations are thoughtfully represented in the Company’s future vision and planning. A primary tenet of the process, the Strategic Planning Committee asked CV Strategies to facilitate a series of meetings with Shareholders designed to solicit comments directly related to water operations, capital planning, outreach and regional leadership. The Company is firmly committed to maintaining an open dialogue with its Shareholders and continuously providing a forum, whether through this planning process or through regular meetings and correspondence, to obtain constructive feedback.


  • Shareholders generally believe they are receiving good value, exceptional service and superior system reliability at a fair price. They are confident that the Company is well positioned to address emerging contaminant concerns, water supply needs and other issues as they arise.
  • Shareholders appreciate the Company’s focus on succession planning and long term capital improvements.
  • Shareholders believe the Company’s communications are sufficient, but are interested in additional engagement tools to assist in their outreach to their retail customers.
  • The Company’s participation in local and regional organizations is a benefit to Shareholders, and they appreciate the direct representation on their behalf.
  • Shareholders welcome the Company’s attitude of trust and openness and acknowledge a mutual responsibility and shared commitment to prioritizing thoughtful collaboration and engagement now and in the future.

Over several weeks in July and August of 2020, meetings with Shareholders were conducted, identifying areas of success, needed improvements and general insight.

Participants included:

City of La Habra

July 15, 2020

Suburban Water Systems

July 17, 2020

City of Brea

August 4, 2020

Over the next several years, the Company’s staff and Board of Directors will make decisions guided within the context of the plan and built on its fundamental principle: To create a blueprint that meets and exceeds the water needs of its Shareholders for years to come. 

Simplifying Service for Retail Customers

About 170 people are Cal Domestic shareholders. Since Cal Domestic no longer maintains any retail water facilities, these shareholders are serviced through the City of La Habra and Suburban Water Systems. Those systems charge Cal Domestic for services to those shareholders, and the Company then bills the customers. To streamline water service and billing, Cal Domestic is offering to buy back shares from retail customers and move those accounts to the appropriate water provider.